Upper Mall W6

United Kingdom / England
Location ID: #999-10381
Pedestrian path following the River Thames, in the direction of Fulham, from Hammersmith. Parks and pubs are found along the way in this residential area. There is private parking. Parking can be found on local roads. [[TAGS: Hammersmith; Fulham; upper mall, paths, mall, River Thames, green, open space, upper mall w6, parking, pubs, pedestrian, cafe, residential, alleyways, alley, passage, passageways, walkway]

Location Category:

  • ROADS / HIGHWAYS - [general];
  • ROADS / HIGHWAYS - Coastal Roads


Upper Mall
London, ENG W6 9TA
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London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
Ground Floor, The Annexe
37 Pembroke Road
London, England W8 6PW
Phone: 020 8753 2351
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